Community Oriented Art and Social Transformation

Start: 2011

Partner:          Acta Community Theatre Limited (UK)

Rotterdams Wijktheater (Holand)

The Bielsko Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre (Poland)

Expedition Metropolis (formerly Theatre of the Milky Way) (Germany)

Action: Creative Europe        Culture (2007-2013)               Cooperation measures



COAST is the title of an artistic cooperation which will explore the dynamics of ‘crossing borders’, which are created due to migration, and differences between different groups, and further will explore and celebrate the creative energy which is created at the interface between arriving cultures and the host community. Four professional community theatre organisations in four European countries which are affected by the issue of migration, will work with volunteers/participants from host and migrant communities to create new original theatre, based on stories and experiences emerging from these creative interactions, considering the theme of crossing borders. This work will be shared, and connections developed between partners through a sequence of shared work, training workshops, exchange and secondment of key artistic staff, discussion and deliberation between Artistic Leaders of each organisation. These explorations of philosophy, methodology and practice will engender a new level of understanding, both of the issues faced by host and migrant communities in each participating country, but also of the varied artistic techniques and cultural approaches which can be used to further community cohesion through artistic initiatives. Learning from the project will inform future work of partners, and through dissemination through a variety of media, will impact on other organisations working in the fields of art and community development.


  • A book describing in detail the actions and results of the first part of the project was published in 2013 and disseminated throughout Europe by the partners;
  • A documentary film of the COAST Festival held in Bristol UK in March 2012COSTA Festival Narrativa Festival;
  • Blog:

