Othering, identity formation and agency 

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Segnaliamo questo articolo di Sune Qvotrup Jensen, sociologo danese, sul tema delle rappresentazioni dell'”altro”. L’articolo è scaricabile al seguente link.

Sune Qvotrup Jensen
 Sune Qvotrup Jensen


Othering, identity formation and agency

“The article examines the potentials of the concept of othering to describe identity formation among ethnic minorities. First, it outlines the history of the concept, its contemporary use, as well as some criticisms. Then it is argued that young ethnic minority men in Denmark are subject to intersectional othering, which contains elements of exoticist fascination of the other. On the basis of ethnographic material, it is analysed how young marginalized ethnic minority men react to othering. Two types of reactions are illustrated: 1) capitalization on being positioned as the other, and 2) refusing to occupy the position of the other by disidentification and claims to normality. Finally, it is argued that the concept of othering is well suited for understanding the power structures as well as the historic symbolic meanings conditioning such identity formation, but problematic in terms of agency”.

How culture and the arts can promote intercultural dialogue in the context of the migratory and refugee crisis

Qui è possibile scaricare l’Executive summary del report del working group di esperti in dialogo interculturale degli stati membri europei


“In the context of the migratory and refugee crisis, explore the ways culture and the arts can help to bring individuals and peoples together, increase their participation in cultural and societal life as well as to promote intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity. Links will be established with other EU-level integration networks and databases. Experts will take stock of the policies and existing good practices on intercultural dialogue with a special focus on the integration of migrants and refugees in societies through the arts and culture”.

La bibliografia del progetto

In questa pagina è pubblicata la bibliografia di riferimento del progetto.



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Aikawa N., The Conceptual Development of UNESCO’s Programme on Intangible Cultural Heritage, in J. Blake (a cura di), Safeguarding Intangible Cultural heritage: Challenges and approaches, Institute of Art and Law, Crickadarn 2007

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Ambrosini M., Non passa lo straniero?: le politiche migratorie tra sovranità nazionale e diritti umani, Cittadella, Assisi 2014

Ambrosini M., Richiesti e respinti: l’immigrazione in Italia : come e perché, Il Saggiatore, Milano 2010

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Ambrosini M., Un’altra globalizzazione: la sfida delle migrazioni transnazionali, Il Mulino, Bologna 2008

Anico M., Peralta E., Heritage and identity: engagement and demission in the contemporary world, Routledge, London- New York 2009

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